In uncertain, even devastating times, it’s easy to get caught up in how surreal life feels when we see how quickly things can deteriorate. I’m not a therapist and am not trying to play on the Internet. Just some humble advice for friends coping with the pandemic or any hardship.
DON’T PANIC – Panicking has never improved a situation. Sometimes even over-reactions are appropriate, but panic has never caused anything good to happen to our health, economy, or ability to help others. Do your best to stay grounded. CREATE A PLAN – Spend the time you need in disbelief, denial, and anger about your circumstance. It’s warranted. But then accept reality. Focusing on a plan is the fastest path to feeling more in control. OBSESS ONLY OVER THINGS YOU CAN CONTROL – This is smart advice regardless of circumstances. Getting mad at the weather simply diverts resources that could be better spent elsewhere. DO THE BEST YOU CAN – WITH WHAT YOU HAVE – FROM WHERE YOU ARE – Read that again slowly. Commit to taking inventory, using resources you do have, and moving forward.