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When learning a new skill, most people seek out experts. It seems logical—the gymnast who boasts about her Olympian coach or the student who insists on learning German from a native speaker.

But this approach has major flaws: Some experts excel despite poor learning methods, not because of them. Being great at a skill doesn’t mean they can teach, motivate, or coach others effectively.

The best teachers prove their value through the success of their students. So, when searching for a great teacher, don’t ask how skilled they are—ask how skilled their students have become.

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The most successful, healthy, and well-adjusted people share a powerful habit: they focus on what they can control.

Of course they get frustrated — whether it’s a reckless driver, a flooded basement, or a canceled flight. But their secret isn’t avoiding problems; it's that they waste little energy dwelling on “what’s wrong” and immediately shift to “what’s next.”

It’s not magic. It's a habit; a mindset. And it’s one you can choose starting now.

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...cut losses with the past.

In economics sunk cost refers to a cost that's been incurred and cannot be recovered.  We make irrational decisions about our future (I'm going to stay in this job I hate...) due to our misunderstanding of investment and our aversion to loss (...because I've already worked here 10 years).

But we can get clarity if we take a moment to reflect on whether our choices, habits and investments are still serving us.

You've already spent the time. If it's been invested wisely and still serving you, GREAT! Move forward intentionally and happily. If not, be sure you're not sinking further.

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