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1) Describe the "where you want to be"

2) Do the best you can with what you have from where you are

Best you can - Are you really doing all you can?

What you have - Take inventory of all your resources (your network, assets, friends...)

Where you are -Be honest and at peace with where you are now

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Focusing your energy and attention on the critical few things that matter to you, while ignoring the trivial many is the secret (if there is such a thing) to major emotional, physical, financial, and general life upgrades.

As in the famous Prayer of St. Francis, the wisdom is in knowing the difference between the two.

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Let's retire the saying that sticks and stones can break bones, but words can't hurt. My first broken bone is a faint memory, yet hurtful words lingered, shaping my inner dialogue for years.

A few years ago, I made a New Year's resolution that changed my life: I never keep a sincere compliment to myself. If it's genuine, I never hesitate to share a compliment.

Never underestimate the power of words to impact someone's life.

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