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A study on willpower split chocolate lovers into two groups: one said "I can't eat chocolate," the other "I don't eat chocolate." Surprisingly, the "don't" group resisted chocolate twice as much. This simple word swap taps into our self-identity. Saying "I don't" aligns with who we are, reinforcing our resolve.

Our education system emphasizes articulating thoughts with grammatical correctness. I've realized the profound impact specific words have on our identity, self-worth, and mental well-being.

This is especially true when we talk to ourselves.

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Most believe that big, complex issues demand equally grand solutions. However, simple actions like planting trees or encouraging handwashing can significantly impact vast challenges like climate change and health care.

Of course they don't "solve" either problem, but every small, positive change casts a vote towards a solution.

Sometimes, the most useful, effective ideas are elegant and beautiful because of, not despite their simplicity.

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"Comparison is the thief of joy." - Theodore Roosevelt.

This is the recognition that while it's human nature to compare, obsessing about it can lead to feeling superior or inferior, neither of which are emotionally healthy.

Consider how much better off we could be if we just wanted to be better, rather than better than our neighbors.

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